Biological Inspiration
Couple of weeks ago, I presented a paper in USENIX Security conference. The paper was about HTTP/2-to-HTTP/1 conversion anomalies and their security implications. When we started the project, the idea was to fuzz and confuse HTTP/2 reverse proxies, in ...
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About Neutrophils The neutrophil is also a phagocytic (eating) cell like the macrophage (as we discussed in the previous blog post). While macrophages reside in the tissues exposed to the outer world, neutrophils can go anywhere they are needed. They...
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Summary: The macrophage is a cell of immune system and its ability to fight invaders can inspire us to build more effective defense techniques. About Macrophages Phagocytes comprise another important part of the innate immune system. These cells...
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Building Membrane Attack Complex
Summary: Our immune system builds attack complexes against bacteria, viruses and parasites. How they are put into place and the mechanisms used along the way might offer lessons to the cybersecurity area. Innate Immune System The innate immune s...
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